Congressional Scorecard
Measuring Support for Social Security and Medicare in the 117h Congress
The National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare compiles a scorecard to educate and inform American citizens about how their Social Security, Medicare and other important programs are impacted by congressional votes taken in Washington, DC.
This Congressional Scorecard documents key U.S. House and U.S. Senate votes on Social Security and Medicare issues. You paid for these benefits — with your hard work and your taxes over decades. It is important now more than ever that you understand how your members of Congress voted on key legislation during the 117th Congress (2021-2022).

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Congressional Scorecard
Measuring Support for Social Security and Medicare in the 118th Congress
The National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare compiles a scorecard to educate and inform American citizens about how their Social Security, Medicare and other important programs are impacted by congressional votes taken in Washington, DC.
This Congressional Scorecard documents key U.S. House and U.S. Senate votes on Social Security and Medicare issues. You paid for these benefits — with your hard work and your taxes over decades. It is important now more than ever that you understand how your members of Congress voted on key legislation during the 118th Congress (2023-2024).
Please select a state to view votes by members of Congress.
Reading the Scorecard
The National Committee legislative staff has identified votes in the 118th Congress (2023-2024) on issues it believes to be of importance to seniors as well as all Americans. This list is not intended to be a complete account of all the votes and activities of U.S. Representatives and Senators, but it is instructive regarding earned benefits.
Here is how to use the Congressional Scorecard:
- First, locate your State, then your Congressional District (CD), where you will see the name of your U.S. Representative.
- Next, locate your two U.S. Senators shown at the bottom of your State’s Scorecard section.
- Listed to the right of all their names are how they cast their votes on key bills, which are listed at the top of the page. Refer to list of “Votes Cast” to find the title of the bill, how each bill could impact your earned benefits and the National Committee’s position.
Scorecard Legend
- “Y” indicates a YES vote
- “N” indicates a NO vote, and
- “NV” indicates the member did not vote on the bill.
- “—” (dash mark) indicates the vote took place before the member was sworn-in to his or her seat.