Medicare Policy Papers
A list of documents covering topics such as healthcare, the donut hole, and prescription drug legislation.
Medicare Fully Informed Project
Making Medicare coverage decisions is a complex task with multiple personal factors that must be taken into account. Beneficiaries need help in understanding all their complex options including all the pros and cons of traditional Medicare and private Medicare Advantage. They need to make fully informed choices given their likely health needs, personal and financial circumstances, and possible cost-sharing assistance.
Q & A Medicare Part B Premium
The Part B premium is the monthly amount paid by individuals for health coverage in Medicare Part B – a voluntary program that covers physician services, hospital outpatient care, durable medical equipment and other services including some home health care.
Q & A Medicare Part D
Since 2006, a privatized Medicare prescription drug program has been offered to seniors. The Part D program provides drug coverage through numerous private insurance companies, and it seeks to control prices through competition between the plans.
Expand Medicare: Petition
Medicare provides health insurance for more than 52 million Americans, half of whom live on incomes below $23,500 per year. Medicare households now spend on average 15% of their income on health coverage, which is three times more than younger households spend for health coverage. There are gaps in Medicare’s coverage including basic dental, hearing and vision services.
African Americans and Medicare
African Americans, who make up the third largest racial/ethnic group in the United States, are likely to have more chronic or serious health conditions and have significantly lower financial resources than White Americans. The guaranteed health coverage offered by Medicare, Medicaid and the Affordable Care Act (ACA) is, therefore, especially important to the African American community, which has a huge stake in protecting, improving and strengthening these programs.
Hispanics and Medicare
Hispanic Americans, the largest and fastest growing racial/ethnic group in the United States, are likely to have higher risk for certain chronic or serious health conditions, such as diabetes, than White Americans, yet face several barriers in accessing health care coverage.
Medicare Fast Facts
Fast Facts About Medicare.