Our Debate Takeaway: Trump’s Lies Undermine Seniors’ Earned Benefits

As seniors’ advocates, it is not our job to parse Joe Biden’s debate performance. It’s our job to tell Americans in straight talk who is telling the truth about Social Security and Medicare — and who will protect them as president. In last night’s debate, Donald Trump repeatedly spread disinformation about seniors’ earned benefits, while President Biden’s statements were consistent with the truth — and with his record in office of defending both programs.

NY Times Op-ed Attempts to Divide the Generations to Undermine Social Security & Medicare

In this "Equal Time" edition of our blog, we push back on a recent New York Times op-ed that attempts to divide the generations in order to undermine Social Security and Medicare.

Reassurance & Warning at Social Security Town Hall in Las Vegas

The message at Thursday’s NCPSSM/AARP town hall in Las Vegas was:  the government may temporarily shut down on September 30th, but Social Security is here to stay. The town hall, entitled “Social Security: Here Today, Here Tomorrow,” was an opportunity for nearly 100 Las Vegas residents to hear from some of the nation’s leading experts about the value of Social Security --- and to receive reassurance that benefits still will be paid during a shutdown.
2023-09-29T00:50:05-04:00September 29th, 2023|Categories: Max Richtman, Social Insurance, Social Security, Social Security Administration (SSA)|

NCPSSM To Participate in Harkin Social Security Symposium in DC

The National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare will participate in a special Social Security symposium hosted by former U.S. Senator Tom Harkin and the Harkin Institute of Drake University. Featuring NCPSSM President Max Richtman and other prominent leaders from the national advocacy community.
2023-09-05T14:48:36-04:00September 5th, 2023|Categories: Max Richtman, Rep. John Larson, Social Insurance, Social Security|

The Warnock-Walker Runoff Isn’t Just About the Size of the Democrats’ Senate Majority

While it’s true that a runoff win by Senator Raphael Warnock would give the Democrats a 51-50 majority, there is more at stake for Georgia voters – especially seniors.  They need Senator Warnock to remain in the Senate to fight for their vital Social Security and Medicare benefits – and to continue advocating for lower prescription drug prices.
2022-12-02T15:48:30-04:00December 2nd, 2022|Categories: Election 2022, GOP, Medicare, Senate, Social Insurance|

Bloomberg Analysis Frames Social Security and Medicare as Debt Reduction Issues. That’s Misleading.  

Fiscal conservatives continue to promote the narrative that Social Security and Medicare must be “reformed” to reduce the federal debt, which basically means cutting seniors' earned benefits. The latest foray in this propaganda campaign came in the form of an ‘analysis’ piece from Bloomberg’s Karl W. Smith, published last week in the Washington Post.

Ron Johnson’s Plan is Part of GOP Assault on Seniors’ Earned Benefits

Social Security and Medicare defenders often say that the public doesn’t understand the threat that Republicans pose to these programs.  Indeed, many Republicans proclaim support for both while pushing proposals to undermine them.  But lately it seems as if Republicans are going out of their way to lay bare their intentions – or, as some put it, “to say the quiet part out loud.” Earlier this week, Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) said during an interview that Social Security and Medicare should no longer be mandatory spending programs
2022-08-05T14:24:23-04:00August 5th, 2022|Categories: Congress, Democrats, Medicare, Republicans, Senator Mitt Romney, Social Insurance, Social Security|
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