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So far Walter Gottlieb has created 44 blog entries.

NCPSSM-Endorsed Candidate Wins Wisconsin Supreme Court Race

The National Committee-endorsed candidate in the pivotal Wisconsin State Supreme Court race prevailed in yesterday’s elections.  Judge Janet Protasiewicz bested her opponent, Daniel Kelly, by 10 points on Tuesday, changing the complexion of the court. Liberals will now be in the majority for the first time in some fifteen years.
2023-04-05T10:50:47-04:00April 5th, 2023|Categories: Boost Social Security, GOP, Medicaid, Medicare, Politics, Republicans, Social Security|

Social Security is Not Going Bankrupt, But Needs to be Strengthened

In their report released on Friday, the Social Security Trustees projected that the program’s combined trust fund will remain solvent until 2034 – one year earlier than previously projected. At that time, the program still would be able to pay 80% of benefits. As of the end of 2022, the trust fund had $2.83 trillion in reserves. 
2023-04-03T12:27:14-04:00April 3rd, 2023|Categories: Uncategorized|

Senators’ “Bipartisan” Social Security Plan Would Slash Benefits

The National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare has sent an urgent letter to Senators Bill Cassidy (R-LA) and Angus King (I-ME) expressing deep concern over a Social Security proposal reportedly taking shape under their names. The Cassidy-King plan would put Social Security on a slippery slope toward privatization — and ultimately cut benefits for future beneficiaries.

Is is Time for Permanent Daylight Savings Time?

Should Daylight Savings Time be year-round?  We, as a country, seem to ask ourselves that question every time we set the clocks ahead an hour in March. Making Daylight Savings Time (DST) permanent would have enormous implications for all Americans.
2023-03-10T16:20:52-04:00March 10th, 2023|Categories: Congress, Senate|

People With Disabilities, Pre-Existing Conditions Are Vulnerable to Social Security & Medicare Cuts

All but the most upper-income seniors would be hurt by cuts to Social Security and Medicare --- the kind which Republicans have been proposing in the name of “entitlement reform.” But older Americans with disabilities or pre-existing conditions would be hit especially hard.

Nikki Haley’s Call for Mental Competency Tests Proves that Ageism is Alive and Well

Upon kicking off her presidential campaign this week, Nikki Haley said politicians 75 years of age or older should be subject to mental competency tests. It was a cheap political shot at President Biden and her rival in the primaries, Donald Trump. But it was more than that. Haley’s statement is blatantly ageist. Of course, of all the -isms (racism, sexism, able-ism, classism, etc.), the targeting of older people remains one of the most socially acceptable – probably leading Haley to believe that her jab at senior politicians was safe. That doesn’t make it any less offensive.
2023-02-17T13:36:01-04:00February 17th, 2023|Categories: ageism, Bernie Sanders, Election 2024, seniors|

Ageism is Alive and Well

Despite their enormous contributions to our country, seniors are continually devalued as members of society. When someone calls another person “old,” it’s understood as an insult, not a sign of respect. “In our society, older people too often are considered to be absent and invisible,” says our senior policy expert, Anne Montgomery.
2023-02-22T11:29:18-04:00February 9th, 2023|Categories: ageism, seniors|
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