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So far Walter Gottlieb has created 44 blog entries.

It’s Time to Repeal WEP & GPO, Says NCPSSM & National Task Force

NCPSSM participated in an event on the Capitol Grounds Wednesday to call for the repeal of the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) and Government Pension Offset( GPO), which prevent millions of public employees and their families from collecting full Social Security benefits. The event was organized by the National WEP/GPO Repeal Task Force --- a coalition of advocates representing public sector workers.
2023-09-14T11:58:16-04:00September 14th, 2023|Categories: Congress, Max Richtman, Social Security, WEP & GPO|

NCPSSM To Participate in Harkin Social Security Symposium in DC

The National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare will participate in a special Social Security symposium hosted by former U.S. Senator Tom Harkin and the Harkin Institute of Drake University. Featuring NCPSSM President Max Richtman and other prominent leaders from the national advocacy community.
2023-09-05T14:48:36-04:00September 5th, 2023|Categories: Max Richtman, Rep. John Larson, Social Insurance, Social Security|

NCPSSM At White House for Release of First Ten Drugs for Medicare Price Negotiation

Tuesday was an historic day in the effort to lower prescription drug prices for seniors.  The Biden administration has released the names of the 10 life-saving drugs that will be subject --- for the first time ever --- to price negotiation between Medicare and Big Pharma.  They are some of the most common and most expensive prescription medications that seniors take.  These essential medications do everything from preventing blood clots and strokes to treating diabetes, and they will soon cost a lot less for the federal government and for patients.

Philadelphians Flock to NCPSSM/AARP Town Hall on Social Security

More than 150 Philadelphians turned out at Center in the Park for a town hall emphasizing Social Security’s importance to the Black community, co-presented by NCPSSM and AARP Pennsylvania. Attendees learned about their earned benefits and played Social Security-themed games — including Social Security Plinko and “What does Social Security Mean to You?”

“Social Security was our lifeline” says Richmond Mayor at NCPSSM/AARP Town Hall

The importance of Social Security to the Black Community could not have been clearer in Richmond, VA on Tuesday --- at the National Committee’s first town hall of a new public education campaign, “Social Security: Here Today, Here Tomorrow.”  The town hall was sponsored by AARP Virginia.
2023-07-10T12:16:20-04:00June 30th, 2023|Categories: Boost Social Security, Delay & Gain, Max Richtman, Social Security|

NCPSSM Launches New, National Social Security Campaign with AARP

The National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare is launching a new public education campaign --- sponsored by AARP --- to correct misinformation about Social Security and emphasize the program’s value to American workers, especially to communities of color.  The campaign, “Social Security: Here Today, Here Tomorrow,” will debunk myths and give workers the facts about their vital earned benefits. 

Democrats Push for Strengthening Social Security in First Hearing of New Congress

The first hearing on Social Security of the new Congress saw Republicans claiming that they simply want information about the program’s status, while Democrats insisted that it’s time to boost Social Security --- and pushed back on GOP proposals to cut benefits.“ Today, we are faced with the fierce urgency of now. Five million Americans receive below-poverty level (Social Security) checks from their government because Congress has not enhanced benefits in more than 50 years,” said ranking member Rep. John Larson (D-CT).
2023-04-28T11:01:22-04:00April 27th, 2023|Categories: Congress, Democrats, Payroll Tax Cap, Rep. John Larson, Republicans, Social Security|

Why GOP Medicaid Work Requirements Are Such an Awful Idea

The House Republicans' debt ceiling bill includes drastic cuts to federal programs that seniors and other vulnerable Americans rely on. But it also imposes work requirements on lower income people who receive health coverage through Medicaid. Under the GOP plan, Medicaid patients would have to work at least 80 hours per month or lose their coverage.  We spoke to the National Committee's senior health policy expert, Anne Montgomery, about why this is such a harmful proposal.
2023-04-27T12:43:18-04:00April 24th, 2023|Categories: Kevin McCarthy, Medicaid, Medicaid Budget, Republicans|

Ohio Forum Focuses on Cutting Vs. Expanding Social Security

National Committee president and CEO Max Richtman brought the organization’s message of expanding and strengthening Social Security to Ohio today.  He participated in a forum in Sandusky, OH, co-sponsored by the local nonprofit, Serving Our Seniors. The forum, entitled, The Future of Social Security Retirement Income and Medicare Part A forum, was attended by more than two hundred citizens, mostly seniors who are already collecting Social Security.
2023-04-12T16:11:28-04:00April 12th, 2023|Categories: Bernie Sanders, Boost Social Security, Democrats, GOP, Rep. John Larson, Social Security|
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