The National Committee is dedicated to protecting Social Security and Medicare benefits for all communities and generations.

House GOP Appropriators Announce 10% Cut in Labor/HHS Spending

House Republicans once again are showing where their true priorities lie.  Appropriations committee chair Tom Cole (R-OK) announced the GOP’s topline numbers for fiscal year 2025 --- including at least a 10% cut in funding for Labor/HHS (Health & Human Services).  That could mean agencies like the Social Security Administration (SSA) and Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) would endure a huge spending cut, while Republican appropriators propose to boost military spending by 1%.

MAGA Wisconsin Senate Candidate Rebuked for Nursing Home Comments

Seniors’ advocates and their political allies are criticizing recent comments by Wisconsin U.S. Senate candidate Eric Hovde suggesting that nursing home residents can't – or shouldn't – vote. Hovde, who is running to unseat incumbent Senator Tammy Baldwin (D-WI), told Fox News’ Guy Benson:::  “We had nursing homes where you had 100 percent voting… Well, if you’re in a nursing home, you only have a five, six-month life expectancy. Almost nobody in a nursing home is in a point to vote. And you had children, adult children showing up saying, ‘Who voted for my 85 or 90-year-old father or mother?’” – GOP Senate candidate Eric Hovde These comments by the Trump-endorsed, MAGA Republican candidate drew sharp rebukes as blatantly ageist and fact-free.
2024-04-11T12:28:33-04:00April 11th, 2024|Categories: ageism, Aging Issues, Election 2024|

NCPSSM “Tremendously Disappointed” by House Budget Committee Vote

The National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare is tremendously disappointed in the House Budget Committee’s vote to favorably report the Fiscal Commission Act of 2023 out of committee.  This is the final step in the legislative process before the bill comes to the House floor for a vote. A fiscal commission is designed to give individual members of Congress political cover for cutting Americans’ earned benefits.
2024-01-18T17:01:44-04:00January 18th, 2024|Categories: Congress|

FDR’S Grandson Says This Is a ‘High Stakes Time’ For Social Security

Social Security — which turned 88 years old this month — is one of my grandfather’s greatest legacies. It’s no exaggeration to say that this is a high stakes time for his landmark program.  Powerful opponents of Social Security are calling for privatization, cutting the annual COLA, raising the retirement age, and even “sunsetting” the program.
2023-09-12T13:17:14-04:00August 22nd, 2023|Categories: Congress, Election 2024, Social Security|

Biden-McCarthy Debt Ceiling Deal Averts Disruption of Social Security, Medicare

Amid all the static about the debt ceiling deal that President Biden and Speaker McCarthy struck over the weekend, this much is certain: the deal is better for American seniors than a federal default. “The agreement represents a compromise, which means no one got everything they wanted,” said President Biden on Monday. “But that's the responsibility of governing.”
2023-06-01T09:28:42-04:00May 30th, 2023|Categories: Congress, Debt Ceiling, Democrats, GOP, President Biden|

Default Could Be Devastating to Seniors on Fixed Incomes

As the country nears a projected federal default date as early as June 1, experts and advocates are warning that seniors’ benefits could be in jeopardy. A default mean that the government will not be able to meet its financial obligations, resulting in delays for vital programs like Social Security and Medicare.
2023-05-17T12:41:12-04:00May 17th, 2023|Categories: Congress, Debt Ceiling, Joe Biden, Kevin McCarthy, Max Richtman, Medicare, Social Security|
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