News Release

“The last thing seniors need is for Mitt Romney to get his hands on Social Security.  The Utah Senator intends to introduce a bill establishing a ‘Rescue Committee’ which would write legislation to keep the Social Security trust fund solvent for 75 years.  We need only look to recent history to determine what Romney has in mind. During his failed 2012 presidential campaign, Romney proposed to raise the Social Security retirement age and slow the growth of benefits for some retirees.   Romney’s 2012 running mate, Paul Ryan, fought to privatize Social Security throughout his two decades on Capitol Hill.  Fortunately, Americans rejected Romney and Ryan’s bleak vision for Social Security’s future.

Like an earlier, failed proposal in the 115th Congress to establish a special Social Security commission, Senator Romney’s ‘rescue committee’ would set up a process that puts benefits at risk, forcing millions of older Americans onto a pathway toward poverty.  

The Senator’s bill also ignores legislation already introduced by Democrats that doesn’t ask seniors to bear the cost of strengthening Social Security’s finances.  Rep. John Larson’s Social Security 2100 Act would keep the program financially sound for more than 75 years without raising the retirement age or cutting benefits. It even includes a modest benefit boost.  Bernie Sanders (I-VT) has introduced a similar bill in the Senate. As for Romney’s latest “entitlement reform” plan, we’ve seen this pitch before – and seniors aren’t buying it.” Max Richtman, president and CEO of the National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare   


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Media Inquiries to:

Pamela Causey 202-216-8378/202-236-2123
Walter Gottlieb 202-216-8414