The Latest on Social Security

Congress Has a New Plan to Fix Social Security. How it Would Change Benefits

The National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare was among the groups to support Social Security 2100:  A Sacred Trust. “There is good news for everyone in this bill, which is only fitting, since Social Security touches almost every American’s life,” said Max Richtman, the organization’s president and CEO.

House Introduces Social Security 2100 Bill to Expand Payroll Tax

“To those who claim that no one in Washington has the courage to address Social Security’s challenges, or that the only solution is to cut benefits for future generations, Congressman Larson’s bill is a stunning refutation,” said Max Richtman, president and CEO of National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare in the statement.

Social Security’s Cost-of-Living Adjustment Isn’t Keeping Up with Prices Retirees Pay

The Social Security Administration uses cost-of-living adjustments to help your benefits keep up with the pace of inflation. The 2021 COLA will be 1.3%. Here’s what that means for your check.

Why Social Security Is Great Deal — And Why It’s Worth Expanding

There are two things I agree with when Social Security is discussed: 1) It needs sustainable funding for the future and 2) It’s a great program that’s worth expanding.

It’s Time for Millionaires to Contribute Their Fair Share to Social Security

Some of America’s wealthiest recognize the inherent unfairness in the system.

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Rep. Larson introduces Social Security 2100 Act

Get the Facts on Boosting Social SecurityGet the Facts

This campaign builds upon the growing public support for expanding Social Security.The Boost Social Security Now education campaign will inform and mobilize our membership, grassroots networks and on-line communities to convince Congress that now is the time to boost benefits, not cut them.

Sign the Petition on Boosting Social SecuritySign the Petition

Social Security is the major source of income for most of America’s elderly with 46% of retirees depending on Social Security for 90% or more of their income and an average monthly benefit of just $1,269. The Social Security COLA has averaged just over 1% over the past five years with 0% for two of those years, far below the largest spending increase seniors’ face, which is spending on health care.


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