By most accounts, it appears the White House may have heard the pleas of millionsof working Americans who?ve urged President Obama to Keep His Promise on Social Security. With one day left (and the President reportedly still working on his State of the Union address) there?s still time to send another round of emails/letters/phone calls to the White House urging the President to reject fiscal hawks? efforts to cut Social Security under the guise of fiscal ?responsibility?.Seniors understand the need for fiscal sanity to return to Washington; however, we also know that Social Security has absolutely nothing to do with our current deficit crisis. That?s the message we?ve delivered to Washington in more than 780,000 petitions, and thousands more ?Hands-Off? Ecards, ?Makes No Cents? penny campaign letters, phone calls and emails. Let?s make one last push before tomorrow night?s State of the Union speech!There are several ways you can Take Action.
“Hands Off My Social Security” Ecard
“Makes No Cents” Penny Campaign
Email to Congress – Using our Legislative Action Center
Legislative Hotline 800-998-0180
Making this effort now builds the foundation for future battles ahead. Not long after the State of the Union address the President?s Budget will be released?will Social Security cuts be included? Republicans still promise to block passage of debt ceiling legislation without cuts in return and legislation is already being drafted in the Senate and House that target Social Security under the guise of ?deficit reduction?.Your voice is vital to the future of Social Security?please add it to the debate today!